Ask Real Past Lives Guides by Phone or Online Who You Were in a Past Life! Explore and Verify their Insights with the Techniques Below and Become Your Own Past Lives Detective Always Searching for the Truth!
Your talents, tattoos, fears and even family drama can all be clues to a Past Life. Especially if you are noticing things that seem almost illogically repeating in your day-to-day life. These may be clues to a Past Life that are calling for your understanding and healing.
Discover a variety of wonderful guides and expert do-it-yourself programs below. Each can help you in their own way to unlock your Past Lives. Get ready for amazing insights because the info you'll discover may be vital to help you resolve present day challenges...and really move ahead. After a Past Lives Guide gives you their insights, use the techniques in the programs below to explore and verify your findings.
Did you know your pet in a Past Life? Could your talent in music, art, science or child care come from a long ago era? Is an old pattern repeating from your Past Life? Is your financial struggle tied to a Past Life of poverty? Why did that person come into your life? Any question you have may reveal a Past Life link.
Who were you in your Past Lives and maybe more importantly . . . Why?
Scroll below to discover wonderful Past Lives Guides and easy techniques to verify and recognize the clues that are in your life right now!
​Discover these wonderful Past Lives Guides who will help you to see who you were in your Past Lives. Get ready for some truly startling insights! Watch how the Past Lives you explore reveal clues to solving your present day challenges. You'll find the cost of a personal reading as low as $5, $25 or into the hundreds.
Use the insights from your Past Lives Guide as a starting point for your own deeper exploration. The techniques in the programs below will help you verify the reading and expand your abilities to become your own past Lives Detective. And keep an eye on your dreams to give you even more clues and verification of who you were in your Past Lives.
Experience your own Past Lives in an exciting LIVE EVENT near you or try an On-Demand Video. You'll discover how this vital information from your unique past can help you understand many challenges in your life right now!
Go along with Dr. Weiss as he takes you on a gentle journey of discovery. Gain greater healing, wisdom and understanding at the deepest levels of who you are today! He's one of the best!
See Your Own Past Lives Portrait!
Meet the wonderful Vera Solara, a seasoned psychic artist with over 20 years of experience in channeling the mysteries of the unseen into art. Guided by her deep intuitive gifts since birth, she's had the privilege of unveiling past lives for thousands of individuals around the globe—including some well-known faces.
Are you ready to uncover the hidden layers of your soul’s journey? Click the button below to begin your spiritual adventure and discover who you were, and how that shapes who you are today. Get your own Past Lives portrait with reading and Past Lives biography. You'll be amazed at what you could discover!
Use these easy techniques to help you explore your own unique PAST LIVES. Amazing clues can be found in your day-to-day experiences and your nightly dreams, if you know where and how to view them.
By staying aware each day, you can unlock the secrets behind your wonderful, sometimes confusing journey. Discover how to use all the clues that are all around you right now! Very enlightening!
Now it's FREE for everyone to learn the techniques of magic manifestation contained in the movie "The Secret." You'll be amazed how upbeat and great you feel after a dose of this movie.
If you have never really seen it, here is the Universe tapping you on the shoulder. And if you've already seen it, you know the Universe is presenting you with another wonderful opportunity to feel good again and understand what life is really all about!
Discover the Secret of "The Secret"
This wonderful program delivers everything anyone needs to make "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction work perfectly! Learn the magic of manifestation! You are already using your inner abilities to create everything in your life and you can do so consciously.
Techniques revealed are the steps of how to re-focus all your thoughts and emotions for direct manifestation of more happiness, peace and prosperity.
Carol Bowman offers a revealing look to help parents and Grandparents learn how Past Life memories affect your child. Her startling story of her own children will convince even the skeptic that Past Lives has something to offer.
Helpful tools to understand what these memories look and sound like. How to distinguish between genuine Past Life memories and fantasy.
The American mystic and devout Christian, Edgar Cayce, read his Bible daily and wrote extensively that Christ taught about Past Lives.
Inventor Thomas Edison, American President Woodrow Wilson and others were fascinated by Cayce's startling insights into Christ, reincarnation and the unlimited power of prayer.​
Whether you are looking for insights into a Past Life or seeking answers to your present day challenges, you'll find this secret system based on ancient Hawaiian knowledge of forgiveness a truly breakthrough experience.
Apply actual practical techniques to clear yourself of limiting beliefs. Help yourself turn challenges into opportunities. Attract miracles to you and puts you back in control of your life in a beautiful, grace-filled way! Move forward with increased abundance, victory and joy using the secrets contained in the Zero Limits program! Amazing results worth the investment!
Discover how you are part of The New Economy that's happening right now.
Explore the 12 Breakthrough Programs and watch your answers appear!
At SomethingWonderful.TV you'll find an amazing collection of tools, programs and methods to help manifest Solutions to Every Problem! Don't take their word for it! Try them for yourself.
We've done our best to scan a variety of cultures, religions and philosophies for the best methods and techniques to turn obstacles into opportunities and challenges into advantages! Of course not every program is for everyone but we are sure you'll find something uplifting and insightful...or at least fun! And look for your Five Free Gifts!